Monday 14 May 2012

A Glimpse of Non-Dual Awareness

I have just shifted from practicing vipassana meditation to formless meditation.

In vipassana meditation, you place your attention on the sensations within your body as you move your awareness from head to toe. Observation is on the sensation as it arises and then passes away. This helps with remaining grounded especially during stressful moments.

In formless meditation, your awareness is on holding your attention still, and therefore your awareness is on no thing. A thought may arise but you don’t allow your attention to attach itself to that thought.

You may have noticed the thought but your awareness remains on being still. You do not engage with anything leaving a space for psychological freedom to emerge.

There’s a fine line in formless meditation where you discriminate between your attention, and what your attention is on.

You can’t control what arises in your attention, but you can be resolute in your posture, and remain as relaxed, open and still as possible.

Out of this position emerges a space, a freedom, a oneness, a non-dual awareness that is not this, not this.

From this space you can choose to then participate where you want to. From this position emerges a groundlessness that is free from attachment.

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