Scarcity is ingrained not only in socio-political, financial and education systems, but in our very own body-mind systems too.
Scarcity has taken us to our current point in the evolutionary cycle. But I would argue it's time we start asking ourselves if we still want to play by its rules or if perhaps we need some other more connected, cooperative and fluid logic by which to play the game of life.
So what are the rules that the scarcity game lives and dies by? Here are some I've thought of, can you add to the list..?
- The perception of limit: the scarcity mindset perceives limit in everything, therefore there's never enough to go around for everyone to be satisfied. Whether it be money, resources, or services, the logic of the systems we find ourselves in, are built around the perception of "never enough."
- Cyclical continuity: scarcity evolves in a continual circular motion because its always seeking something "out there" to fill the gaping void at its centre. Patterns of scarcity logic emerge time and again in the evolutionary cycle that according to our socio-political and financial systems confirm the nature of perceived limit true.
- Frustration and dissatisfaction: these feelings emerge out of the need to divide, section, own, enforce and control in order to bring about a very consequential and limited sense of peace and happiness. It never lasts long and always ends up reverting back to the original state of dissatisfaction.
- Short term by nature: although scarcity may have driven the evolutionary cycle for an extended period of time, it has only done so due to it's very narrow short shortsightedness. The nature of scarcity proves the original assumption of "there's never enough" true. Hence its need to find a quick fix in the "next big thing" to fill the dissatisfaction.
- Revolves around competition: because there is an inherent perception of limit in the world, all logic stems from this scarcity assumptive base. Therefore by nature the way that this plays itself out is through struggle, competition and adversarial type thinking. What are the results of this type of thinking? Destruction for one.
- Unhealthy evolutionary tension: there is a constant tension at the heart of the scarcity mindset which keeps it stuck at its core. This tension has driven growth and production but at the same time we've paid the price through the devaluation of human consciousness. We've lost the connection and cooperation we long for. Scarcity says; "I'm not free and therefore I'll only participate to the degree that I have to."
Please let me know if there's anything I've missed out in terms of the way that scarcity plays itself out in the logic of thinking, behaving and interacting that you observe on a daily basis. I believe that only by becoming aware of the flaws in this logic, can we begin to dissolve it for new patterns of thinking that serve our development.
And be sure to check out my next post for what I perceive could be the logic or framework of the abundant mindset.
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