Friday, 24 August 2012

A 3-step Process for Transforming Suffering

Craving, clinging and aversion creates suffering through identification with sense perception, the ego or the 'separate self-sense.'

If we are not conscious of this separate self-sense we can easily play into its hands. We end up becoming slaves or victims to the ego. This has negative connotations not only for ones own development, but also for those one is in relationship with as these states can easily be projected on to them.

So how to dissolve the need around craving, clinging or aversion that causes suffering for a greater sense of peace, balance and mastery?

I have devised a 3 step process that involves:

  1. Acceptance: become aware of and observe, reflect and accept whatever state of consciousness that creates the need to crave, cling or avert. It's easy when things are running smoothly, what happens when things are not going well for you?
  2. Surrender: let the feeling (good/bad) in by becoming present to it and surrendering to it whole heartedly. This will create a sense of space or formlessness that releases the associated pain.
  3. Transcendence: feel whatever you feel fully in order to transcend it so as not to become a victim to whatever state of consciousness that is driving your behavior.
If you can bring awareness of these 3 concepts to what you perceive as good or bad, right or wrong, then you are beginning to enter a more enlightened state of consciousness. These very states that you associate as good or bad, right or wrong are merely relative states. They change constantly. Yet the separate self-sense perceives them to be an absolute state of consciousness for its own development. To the point that it becomes pathological.

When you create the awareness to accept, surrender and transcend such states that cause the craving, clinging or aversion, you begin to operate from a sense of inner peace and joy. This aligns nicely with an enthusiasm and excitement around creating your outer purpose made manifest in form or reality.

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