In this article I highlight 3 ways to bring about meaningful change in your life, if that's what you're looking for. Here they are:
1. Transform: transform what? Transform resistance. What resistance? Whatever you resist that holds you back from embodying the person you wish to be. A river follows the path of least resistance. The expansive mindset too does not resist that which hinders its progress. Through an awareness of the resistance can it transcend and include it for a higher level of psychological development. It integrates the structure or system that served its purpose at the lower level of development. Here are some useful tips to transform resistance in the moment: become aware of the feeling that manifests itself as a sense of limit in your life, become aware of the thought patterns linked to these restrictive feelings and how they drive your behavior, see yourself enacting the role of the victim in relation to these states of consciousness to see how your behavior reinforces the original assumption of limit true. Finally ask yourself, are these thoughts and feelings really who I am? If not, try relax into them, and then let them go.
2. Transition: this is the transition from the traditional mindset to the expansive mindset. The assumptive base or logic of the traditional mindset proves the original assumption of scarcity, limit and control all true. It perceives that there's never enough so it always works to commoditize and consume more to cover the idea that there's something wrong. The idea of limit pervades its struggle, logic, and patterns of thinking and behaving. This has been determined by the age of separation and the great psychological contraction that we experience as fear, anger, anxiety etc. when we transition to the enlightened mindset we dissolve the contraction but we dissolve our reason for participation at the same time. We may as well kick back and smoke our chillum under a palm tree for the rest of our lives. Out of this emerges the expansive mindset. Here we are very relaxed, the contraction doesn't drive our behavior together with a sense of limit, but rather the idea that I'm interested in new ways of thinking and interacting that involve my gifts, as well as cooperating with people who share similar interests and want to evolve human consciousness for the greater good.
3. Embody: embodying the freedom that comes with the expansive mindset. What would it mean for you to embody your talents, to shape and craft your skills, to align and develop your interests for a vocation resembling more meaning and purpose? I think this is where the real challenge lies - being able to embody all the change, transformation, and transition from moment to moment in order to become the person you wish to be. It's definitely not easy, and requires dedicated practice and rewiring of systems and beliefs that limit our development. But there is no doubt it can be done. Not only that, they can all be done simultaneously as all 3 levels exist at the same time. I guess underpinning your progress lies your ability to rest in freedom and then to evolve fluidly and responsively in the direction you wish to move.
Related to these concepts are you interested in: money systems, making a difference, developing your talents, authentic communication in relationships, and transforming stress, anxiety and anger or limited belief systems and old patterns of thinking that no longer serve your development? If you are, I am looking to form a mastermind group to discuss and develop these concepts. Please drop me a line at the link below if you're keen to join.
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