Tuesday, 14 August 2012

6 Ways to Cultivate more Relevance in your Life

In this article I have outlined 6 ways to unearth and cultivate more relevance in your life.

  1. Discover your talents and play to them everyday: are you clear on your values and morals, have you neatly defined your goals so that you can enhance your strengths and spend time where you can use your god-given talents to not only make your life more relevant, but to bring relevance and joy to those around you?
  2. Passionately pursue what you want to do: how much time do we waste doing stuff that we think we should be doing in order to be the person that we think others think we should be? How much of what we do is defined through preconceived notions of identity or patterns of thinking that have been built-in over time? How about taking a fresh look at yourself as often as possible to realign with your passions?
  3. Be confident and relaxed in your vision: How often do we get sucked into a very concrete vision that determines much of what we do and who we are? Sure, have well defined goals to work towards, but your vision does not have to be so rigid. Because life is in a constant state of flux, try hold your vision lightly  as you move forward and see how this alters your perception of the way things should be.
  4. Make a difference: where would you like to take your vision or work to make a difference in other people’s lives? We only get a certain amount of time here on earth, how would you like to give back? What lies close to your heart? How could you link your talents with giving back or making a difference? Would this give you a greater sense of relevance?
  5. Connect with like-minded people: maybe you spend a lot of time honing your talents, why not spend time conversing and cooperating with like-minded people with similar values and interests? Who knows where it could lead you. Maybe you end up creating the next big thing that could change the lives of many or the course of history. True transformation, I believe, will take place where groups of like-minded individuals can develop think-tanks and grow their ideas.
  6. Live with meaning and purpose: I am fascinated by what it means to live with a sense of purpose. What does purpose mean to you? If you don’t know, is it not cool to just be okay with that? To stay in the question of what it means to live with purpose. Purpose flows. Purpose is not static. Purpose is akin to the evolutionary cycle, it’s up to you to see where you would like to develop your purpose. Where are you challenged and engaged enough but at the same time able to exhibit the knowledge and skills to effortlessly keep progressing?

I’ll leave you with a question that my mentor used to ask of me often. It’s a question that pulls you back to yourself and will help you to connect with all of the above.

What do you want to do with your life?

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