Take the following scenario: Is the universe random and chaotic or is it intelligent and creative?
Regardless of your beliefs (there is a God, there's no God) can you inhabit the other space, can you occupy both positions, can you feel into the other perspective, and once you are able to do so, can you then let them go to transcend duality? No doubt both perspectives, according to whatever scenario, have both pros and cons.
Much of where we get stuck is being locked into an either/or position. But who knows what's actually right or wrong? It's merely our belief systems that cause us to occupy and get locked into one particular perspective, but this just reinforces limit and devalues personal growth.
Being locked into one line of thought, all beliefs and assumptions go into proving that one line of thought true. The assumptive base that we're coming from develops a line of logic that proves the original assumption true. So if you feel that life is untrustworthy (a characteristic of scarcity/limit) then your mindset will work to prove this uncomfortable feeling true.
This assumptive base, according to your self image, manifests as an insight which limits ones ability to inhabit other perspectives. Image and personal development don't mix well because personal development asks us to open up to our limits.
Can you feel into (not just intellectually understand) another perspective in order to transcend being locked into duality? This is fundamental to the evolution of human consciousness and ongoing personal growth. As soon as you transcend one duality another one enters the frame and it only gets subtler and subtler according to your level mastery (skillful means and maturity).
The exciting part is that once you have transcended duality, you can then place your vision according to where you want to go. By transcending duality you open up the path for true transformation and relevant change to take place. Central to this is knowing what you want, and becoming clear on what you'll pay to create it.
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