Wednesday 6 June 2012

Contracted, Relaxed, Interested..?

There’s 3 fundamental states of consciousness:

  1. Contracted
  2. Relaxed
  3. Interested

The relaxed state is non-participatory.

In the contracted state, the contraction itself drives your behavior. This ends up causing a lot of stress, anxiety and tension. It’s a fixed state of mind that relates from the point of view of the victim and will often come up with the words; if I can’t do this then I can’t do it, I can’t learn how to do it because either I know how to do it or I don’t.

To be relaxed and interested involves a state of consciousness that flows, that creates room for evolving, growing, learning. This is the expansive state of mind that is fundamental to our personal development.

Which one feels better for you and which one do you use?

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