Thursday, 6 September 2012

Thinking About Transforming Limit

Everything that has ever existed, which currently exists or will ever exist is the result of a belief system, a pattern of thinking, an ideology, a value system, or a motive for participation.

These structures and systems are the building blocks of mindset. And this exists as a result of consciousness.

You therefore have the power and the ability, through consciousness, to transform any limited belief system that no longer serves you into something more aligned with where you want to go.

Central to this is becoming aware of the limiting aspects of the systems and structures that shape your outer reality. If you are not aware of them, your propensity to transform them is none-existent.

The more you become aware of them and how they shape your outer reality or existence, the greater your ability to dissolve them for more innovative, relevant, and expansive ways of being.

A built-in consciousness has allowed certain patterns and belief systems to emerge that have, to some extent or another, shaped the societies we live in today. You could say they have served a purpose. The question we need to ask ourselves is, do they continue to serve a purpose?

Are the systems and structures that we live in conducive to the evolution of our species and the planet we live on? Do they promote a sense of abundance, peace and happiness? Or do they promote adversarial thinking, and greater forms of scarcity, separation and limitation?

I am starting to see a small shift in consciousness and I believe the internet has played a significant role in this regard, because now more than ever, people are starting to see the flaws in the systems in which we live.

Whether or not this small shift in consciousness will be enough to pave the way for relevant, aligned, and necessary change to take place, remains to be seen.

Until such time that this transformation can begin to take root, new ideologies will exist merely in the realm of inherent "probability."

However, there are 2 things that can turn this "probability" into reality.
  1. Free will and the right to choose
  2. Your own state of consciousness
How you go about using these or not using these is entirely up to you.

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