Although traditional business skills are important, their
effect is limited by our lack of well being or clarity. Mindset training works
at developing this clarity and well being as well as innovation, creativity and production.
Research from the United States of America and Canada has
shown a 70% differential between companies that are productive and those that
are not, is a direct result of attitude or mindset.
A martial arts teacher taught a group of students in
Taiwan to get them prepared for a tournament in Europe. The teacher attributed
their outright success at the tournament to their mindset and awareness
training. You can have all the business skills or sporting skills
in the world, but without mindset training your
chances of ongoing success are greatly reduced.
As business professionals we make a constant stream of
choices and the perception might be to focus on mindset training once our
business is up and running. But why not integrate mindset training from the
Then if something doesn't go according to plan, instead of using the built-in fight or
flight response, we have the clarity and perspective to deal with the situation
with greater intelligence and maturity.
The martial arts teacher had this insight according to
the premise that if you leave it up to the students they would only focus on mindset
at the end of training, by which time apparent flaws in their behavior
or logic of thinking might start to negatively impact results. There’s a direct
link between mindset training and well being and productivity.
What does mindset training involve? It involves awareness
training, developing clarity and well being, mastering states of consciousness
that limit development, and working at being more relaxed, open and flowing so
you are able to respond faster and with more accuracy.
Traditionally, when something goes wrong, we tend to believe that a contracted state of consciousness will result in faster reactions. This is
not the case; being more relaxed results in better, faster and more effective decision
making. Ask Michael Phelps if it’s better if he’s more relaxed or nervous
before a race and 100% of the time he will tell you; more relaxed.
Mindset is determined by your level of
psychological agility and flexibility which has a direct impact on creativity,
innovation and productivity. Not only will this generate more revenue, but
you’ll have more fun in generating profits while making difference.
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