Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Mindset Mastery at Work

It is my intention in this blog post to show how we can use mindset mastery to tap into unlimited potentials, possibilities, and creative powers within.

Although never an easy process, much like rewiring the neural networks of our brains, mindset mastery enables us to examine our limits, thereby creating resistance and push-back. But if done consistently, in a relaxed and fluid way, it can open up new potentials and complexities of thinking that previously never existed.

The first step involves systematically identifying the usefulness of mindset assumptions. For example, say I have a passion for travel and writing and would love to combine the two to become a travel writer. However, there's a core underlying assumption that I can't do both without first having to earn the money to do what I love - travel and writing.

Where does this assumption come from? What is the core belief about travel and writing? Is it that we need to first earn large sums of money to travel or that writers are seen as people who struggle to make ends meet?  Through a questioning process, we can very quickly begin to see the base from which these assumptions stem.

So the second step would be a process of deep inquiry into the validity of the core premise of the assumption we make. As soon as we begin to really question any underlying assumptive base we begin to see the cracks in the building of that very motive.

Ultimately, every assumptive base has its own limitations, the question is to what extent do we allow or disallow those motives to shape our external realities? If I have the belief that I first have to earn a living in order to live my passion then this will be proved true, keeping my passion unfulfilled. But if I really question this logic, put it to the test, research its premise, I will begin to see the inherent flaws in its logic.

When this core premise is unearthed and understood for what it represents, a false assumption, the work of deconstructing its base for more consciously aligned, relevant and intentional ways of thinking and behaving can take place.

Intentionally constructing a new premise based on a more complex understanding of the way these assumptions shape who we are and what we achieve is undoubtedly going to leave us better off than before. Until it comes time again to question that very assumptive base for higher levels of complexity of thinking that better serve our needs.

Although I may still have to continue to earn a living, I can now very intentionally construct a new assumptive base from which arises the opportunity to mold writer, traveler and business into a whole filled with raw potential.

If I consistently work at constructing this new motive over a period of time, depending on the amount of work I put into its development, eventually I will have the capabilities to transition over to what I love doing on a full-time basis.

This is done through the process of deconstructing what is no longer useful and deliberately reconstructing that which better serves my needs. This is the process of mindset mastery at work.

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