Thursday, 15 November 2012

Developing Focus

Working with high focus is important to achieve the results we desire. Focus requires a high degree of intention. We can prepare and prepare, but we cannot prepare for everything. We're not in control of everything.

So when something shifts our focus and we're diverted off track, how can we still make sure we end with the result we were looking for in the first place? I would say we need 3 things to make sure we get back on track and focus to get the job done.

  1. High Intention: what is your purpose? What are you looking to achieve? What are you looking to create and how can you use intention to make this happen? Focus is driven by intention, it's the fuel for focus, for honing in on your goal. Do you have a clear intention in place, or do you not know why you are on the path to achieve your goal?
  2. A unique and valuable skill: we all know it takes time to develop unique and valuable skills; all part of mastery. To what extent have you developed your skill and how does this make you unique and valuable to other people. What can you offer that others can't? Are you so good at something that other people simply can't ignore you?
  3. A state of consciousness: here's one of the master keys to focus. If you're caught in negative states like fear, anger, stress or anxiety then your focus will be diminished. Your state of consciousness needs to be very relaxed, open, aware and present for a high level of focus to emerge. A good way of checking in is to ask yourself what's driving your behavior? What's your motive for participation? 
All these 3 aspects will assist you in developing clearer, stronger and more powerful focus. And the greater your focus, the greater your ability to achieve the outcome you're looking for.

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