What's the solution to the world's problems, which I define as...
- Peak oil and an exponential rise in petrol/diesel prices.
- Peak debt through loans, mortgages, credit cards.
- Climate change and extreme weather patterns; with scientists warning of the ever approaching 2 degree rise in pre-industrial temperatures...
My answer is, grow your own food!
Growing your own food not only provides you with free food - cutting out a reliance on industrial agriculture (which uses pesticides, chemicals, fertilizers and antibiotics) - but it also results in healthier, more abundant living.
Preparing your own organic matter by way of compost/mulch, growing your own veggies from seed and even planting your own fruit trees connects you with nature. Growing your own food also grounds your energy so it's not being drained by technology and things like WiFi or radio active waves from cell phones or computers which can cause cancer.
Growing your own food results in you travelling to big chain supermarkets less often, depending on the amount of food you can produce. This means less reliance on carbon-producing fossil fuels which harm the environment and cause global warming.
Petrol and food (energy) - are 2 primary drivers of the industrial growth economy which have contributed to crippling debt, rising oil prices, global warming and poor health. Growing your own food means that you're no longer reliant on this system (which has become limited) to live a happy, healthy life.
If you don't have a garden then ask one of your friends if you can help turn some part of their lawn into a thriving veggie patch and then split the rewards. Or if you have a balcony, explore various types of vertical gardening. Or try scout rooftops in urban environments that stand empty and turn these vacant lots into urban rooftop veggie gardens.
If this is still not your cup of tea try support local organic farmers. This way you're voting (by placing your money where it counts) for a better future for people and planet.
Food, and especially either growing your own food or supporting local organic farmers will be one of the keys to relocalizing our economies, remineralizing the earth and mitigating climate change. It's a win-win because producing local food will result in less reliance on heavy carbon producing fossil fuels, less debt (by not being chained to fluctuations in food & petrol prices) and it will have a positive impact on the environment.
With such severe impacts of global warming and soil desertification through industrialized and factory farming, it's time to get growing!
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