Friday, 1 November 2013

"The Butterfly Effect"

Chaos theory determines that tiny differences in input can very quickly become overwhelming differences in output. This is what mathematicians have termed "sensitive dependent on initial conditions."

In weather this translates into what is known as the "Butterfly Effect" - the idea that a butterfly circling in the air in Thailand can transform weather patterns in Boston the following month. Since this has been scientifically proven, imagine how your mind is shaped by your thoughts which influence your behavior tomorrow, a week later, a month down the line or a year hence.

Here's where we begin to notice the power of mindfulness. By becoming acutely aware of the data input you're feeding your consciousness on a daily basis, you can connect the dots between such inputs and your outputs (behavior, results, outcomes).

This is why I say that any form of transformation, like the changing of a bad habit that no longer serves you, begins with awareness. By shining the light of awareness (by awakening your consciousness) on to negative thoughts that limit your potential in the universe, you're automatically realigning to take action from your highest vision of yourself.

Only by becoming intimately familiar with any victim thoughts, or thoughts of self-sabotage, can you begin to replace such negativity with new, more abundant and relevant (to your vision) ways of thinking and being in the world. The 2 are not separate. But one!

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