A cantillation, in its traditional form, serves as a guide
for choirs chanting sacred texts. In the same way a conductor conducts an
orchestra, a cantillation drives harmonic singing or chanting. However, a ‘cantillation’
can also be described as your special gift or talent that gives your life joy
and purpose as well as union with the absolute.
Why’s this important? Well, if you would like to live a more
meaningful life it’s important to know what your gift is. This can, for
example, help you transition from career to calling with greater ease and
Another reason why it’s important is that it serves as a
rudder during times of choppy seas. Stress is the number one cause in us losing
our way and becoming ‘unbalanced.’ Knowing your ‘cantillation’ acts like a
homing pigeon so you can realign with your north star – what’s important to you;
your vision quest.
You can get back on track to doing what you do best – giving
of your gifts and talents.
Knowing your ‘cantillation’ is essential to staying in flow.
It gives you something to grip on to when the degree of challenge you’re
engaged in notches up a level or two. This isn’t of course the only part of
overcoming tough challenges. Things like mastering states of consciousness such
as your feelings and thoughts need to be considered too.
And understanding context and connecting with vision and
values are also important aspects when trying to stay in flow.
But knowing our ‘cantillation’ and applying it ruthlessly in
the face of surmounting challenges helps us learn and grow. Why else are we
here; other than to give of our gifts?