Monday, 21 October 2013

Transforming Limiting Beliefs; a Prerequisite for Life Transformation

Who we are and what we believe shapes the way we see and act in the world. Invariably, we don’t see reality the way it is though, but rather we perceive it through a filter that we've built into our thinking and behaving (our wiring). This filter is defined by a certain set of beliefs which are shaped by a particular world-view.

An individual’s beliefs are defined by the way they behave or communicate around others. We haven’t been blessed with super human capabilities to read each other’s minds (unless you’re a highly enlightened yogi or sadhu); we can only infer from people’s behavior what exactly they believe. And ultimately ones beliefs shape ones reality.

As you believe, so do you perceive. Your reality is yours to create (without any form of limitation). At the time when people believed that the world was flat, this belief defined people’s actions accordingly. Ships never sailed far from the shoreline for fear that they would drop off the face of the earth. But as soon as this belief was proved false, a whole new world opened-up and opportunities arose for exploration, insight and discovery.

Beliefs (which are shaped by ones worldview) can neither be perceived as right or wrong (unless they've taken on the qualities of the absolute), but rather should be perceived in terms of degrees of usefulness. The more useful a belief, the greater is its ability to serve ones highest potential for growth and development.

The predominant way to break-down a limiting belief or narrative is to question or contradict the premise upon which that very narrative has been built. From this point of view one can then go on to dismiss that belief outright for a new, more useful belief that’s in alignment with ones highest potential.

So ask yourself the question; how have your own beliefs shaped your reality? How many times have you noticed yourself projecting a belief that never turns out to be true but only limits your potential? Do your beliefs hinder your personal growth, or do they serve your highest vision for the person you want to become?

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