Monday, 7 October 2013

Intention & Vision; an Intricate Balance of Heart & Mind

It's difficult to intentionally bring about your vision without connecting to your heart. It's taken me the best part of 3 years to understand this concept (or should I say feel into this concept). I am very technically minded. I spend a lot of time in the mental realm, contemplating and thinking about things deeply.

There's nothing wrong with this; psychological development is my strength, but when something becomes too one-sided, a sense of balance or equilibrium is lost. It becomes difficult to take on another perspective and this where regression (in terms of growth and development) sets in. As it's difficult to work at a desk cluttered with pieces of paper, pens, books and stationery, so it's difficult to understand what's important to you if you're lost among a myriad of thoughts.

So instead of constantly relying on my mental abilities to see me through, I decided to shift my awareness to my heart centre. And I asked myself the question, "How do I feel about...?" This is a great question to shift your focus back into the present moment. While taking ownership of your feelings (so you're no longer the victim of them), this question also gives one greater perspective on how to relate to people or circumstances.

Becoming aware of how you feel allows you space to reconnect with what's important to you. And once you have a clearer idea of what you want, you can go about creating your vision. Although I still spend most of my time in the mental realm, I'm learning to bring my focus back down to my heart centre. To create a purpose-filled life requires nothing less than an intricate balance of heart and mind.

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