Thursday, 4 April 2013

No Innovation Without Communication

We tend to think of conversation as a tool for communication, but it's also a tool for innovation and evolution.

Have the wrong type of conversation at the wrong time, in the wrong place and all we're left with is confusion, misunderstanding and toxic relationships. But have the right type of conversation at the right time, in the right context and we're left empowered, motivated and ready to take action towards our goals.

Let's say I'm looking to tap into my intuition and have a conversation around possibility, innovation, design thinking, or creating new paradigms, then a very formal type of functional communication is not going to serve my needs.

An enlightened conversation however, with less structure and more inquiry into building ideas, like building a conversation skyscraper, would better suit my needs in this instance. In enlightened conversation everyone is stretching, leaning into their leading edge, gently but firmly adding pieces to the puzzle. No one really knows what the final design or the functionality of the building will look like.

This type of conversation can last for days as people move in and out of the conversation space where innovation takes place. There's got to be some down time for contemplation and the refining of ideas. People can then come together again and re-engage in enlightened conversation to move their ideas forward.

Enlightened conversation however, would not work well in a purely business context where the goal is to get stuff done quickly and efficiently. There's no space for innovation in a very functional style of communication.

As a communication coach I help you have the right types of conversations, at the right times and in the right places. This gives you the opportunity to meet needs, work seamlessly towards goals, take relevant action and innovate in times of increasing uncertainty.

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