Tuesday, 2 April 2013

How's Your Attitude?

Research on mindset has found that your attitude determines more than 50% of your outcomes.

But on the surface all we tend to see are the skills and knowledge that get us to where we wish to go. Skills and knowledge form only one part of the equation though. Attitude forms the other part. 

Next time you go into a meeting, or prepare a sales pitch, or have a conversation, notice your attitude. What's driving your behavior? Is it scarcity (something the industrial growth economy was built on) or is it abundance (something more aligned with a connection economy)? Is it the need to get or have something, or are you trying to build trust through the need to connect, communicate authentically or be vulnerable?

Attitude is only one part of mindset, but I would say it's one of the most important parts along with identity (knowing who you are and what you want). Without an aligned and relevant attitude we're left clinging to skills and knowledge. And if we're lacking in either skills or knowledge then it becomes more about the struggle to achieve. 

70% of our outcomes are determined by attitude. That's a staggering amount. How's your attitude? 

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