requires that we develop a very relaxed yet alert state of mind.
In other words if your mind is bouncing around with a number of different thoughts consuming your attention, then your ability to solve problems of a more complex nature will be greatly reduced.
It has been proved that the martial arts practitioner who spends time on mindset and awareness training will be able to react much faster then the practitioner who spends no time on this form of training.
Why is this you may ask? Well let's take a look at the research. Tests done on persons brains during meditation shows that there's an increase in alpha waves running through the brain. Alpha waves are enhanced when a person shifts their attention to an alert, untroubled mode.
Feeling very relaxed yet alert we can then place our full attention on to the complexity of a problem. Meaning we are more likely to move through our challenges with a greater sense of ease.
If however, your attention is easily swayed when faced with complex problems, then your propensity to psychologically contract in the face of such complexity will increase.
This is why many people struggle with pressurised situations because they're unable to handle pressure in a relaxed yet alert state of consciousness. So when the pressure notches up a few levels they tend to feel the heat, and either they try to resist, push back against or avert such complexity.
If you do the necessary awareness and mindfulness training though, then the relative ease with which you can handle pressure is significantly increased. Through awareness training, your ability to focus is increased by being able to place your attention where you want, when you want. This will give you a one-pointedness focus and clarity to better cope with complex challenges.
There is a second aspect to handling increased levels of complexity and this involves skills. I would say you need both skills training and awareness training in order to outgrow complexity.
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