Friday, 14 December 2012

Shifting from the What to the How

When a problem arises, very rarely do we focus on the how but instead we tend to focus on the what.

We often think it's either the product or the strategy that needs to change because our minds gravitate to one area to fix. But this rarely solves the problem. 

Primarily because the problem doesn't consist of merely one part. We struggle to see the problem as part of a greater whole. In order for us to do this we have to shift our thinking from the what to the how. 

Therefore, instead of honing in on the product or the marketing strategy, shift your awareness to other parts of the greater whole, like attitude or communication? If there's an environment of poor communication, then it's going to be nearly impossible to deliver a sound product. 

Shifting our awareness from the what to the how opens up new spacial realms previously unconsidered. This allows us to integrate more aspects into solving the problem because we can experiment with various possibilities. Then we arrive at a solution most suited to our scenario. 

By focusing on one area that we believe is core to the problem, we only narrow our creativity. Try to focus on how things relate and fit together in terms of the whole when solving problems and see if you get better results.

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