Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Be the Change you Wish to See

Social and business landscapes are shifting at more rapid rates. In order for us to find relevant compass points we will need to understand how our skills, talents and strengths impact the changing needs of society.

We need a clear understanding of our core value systems and how these fit into changing landscapes. We need a strong understanding of our identities and the roles each of our identities play in building new systems that can take us to where we need to go.

If we are interested in playing a role to impact the well being of communities and humanity as a whole, we first need a solid foundation of self-knowledge. For example, are my strengths aligned with working for an organisation, or am I more interested in setting up my own business through already established networks?

I believe we can only issue in the change we wish to see by first becoming accustomed to leading ourselves in the areas we wish to change. We can blame government or financial institutions for our woes until the cows come home, but we cannot rely on them to change the fundamental systems of our societies.

For those of us who are interested in working to bring about much needed change in societies around the world, we need to pose of ourselves some tough questions. Questions that will make us feel uncomfortable. We will need to increasingly learn to be okay with this discomfort so we can move through our challenges with a sense of purpose.

If we want to shape communities and environments for relevant change we will need to ask of ourselves: what do I care deeply about? What work will bring out my natural gifts? How can I use my gifts to make a difference? Am I comfortable with uncertainty? Do I enjoy a sense of autonomy?

These are the types of questions, that when asked of ourselves, will allow us the opportunity to connect with meaningful and relevant insights into who we are, how we fit into the greater scheme of things and where we need to position ourselves to take aligned action with our goals.

The change you wish to see in the world can be advanced through a massive array of vehicles. You could initiate projects within your organisations. You can start your own communities through churches, sports clubs or with friends and family. There really is no limit as to how we use our talents and in what areas they're made manifest.

The notion of limit has no place in the fields of design, innovation and the formation of ideas. We do however need to connect with our identities, our value systems so we can play to our strengths. Where needed we will draw on other peoples strengths through linked networks to help us achieve our goals. The future is ours to create. We need balance and co-creation.

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