Here are some ways to shift our mindsets around creating relevant change.
1. Instead of expecting others to solve your problems, take personal responsibility for the change you wish to create.
2. Instead of viewing problems as too big to solve, view them as problems to solve at scale.
3. Instead of having planned sections of labor, ask how you can integrate, decentralise and form emergent and dynamic groups of people.
4. Instead of adopting traditional bueracratic and hierarchical structures, work in fluid teams of teams.
5. Instead of adopting linear, top-down management styles, incorporate inter-connected and viral working systems.
6. Instead of using one man standing theories of change, adopt a view where everyone can be a change maker. And listen to people's ideas.
7. Instead of searching for a cause to latch on to, make relevant waves of change from where you stand.
8. Instead of using top-down design, try using co-creation.
9. Instead of working towards sustainability, work instead with continuous renewal.
10. Instead of viewing something as right or wrong, see something from the point of view as more or less useful.
See if such shifts in mindset get you closer to where you need to go and assist in implementing the change you need. If something needs to be tweaked or reworked, go back to the drawing board and see where you can adjust for more relevant solutions.
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