Sunday, 23 October 2011

Vision and Purpose

Your vision and purpose for the life you would like to live stems from:

  1. Knowing what it is you want
  2. Knowing the price you will have to pay for it
  3. Paying the price
You need a light focused persistence and the ability to respond to coincidence to live your vision and purpose.

Vision is stepping into the future, while purpose is the relationship to your skills and talents. You need both, and ultimately both have to be transcended and included so you can continue to grow.

Awareness of the stages through which vision and purpose develop is important. The majority develop vision and purpose because of the psychological self-contraction. Vision and purpose is built on the Cinderella Fantasy of say earning more money to solve problems or escape suffering.

Your vision and purpose changes once there is a shift in consciousness at the level of sustainability through training and a deep relaxation of the self-contraction. In traditional Enlightenment, your reason for participation evaporates and there’s not much vision and your purpose is to live out your own karma until you die.

As you begin to engage from an Enlightened perspective your vision and purpose shifts once again. Vision and purpose is now about deliberately and intentionally aligning what you want with your skills and talents with freedom from the need to escape your own suffering.

You know where you excel and you use this to create the future you envision. Your focus is on your strengths and becoming a master at what you do. You can’t master that which you don’t know. Light focused persistence turns your skills into expertise for which people pay money.

Say you have a gift for communication and an interest in entrepreneurship. Vision and purpose could manifest in communicating your knowledge to entrepreneurs through workshops, presentations, ezines and public speaking. Your interest propels your vision forward while your purpose enables you to develop a business through communication.

Your vision and purpose starts off as a subtle intuition and as you hone your skills and develop your talents, what you want takes shape and you craft this creation because it’s what you really want to do and you are willing to pay whatever you have to for it. Even if this means sweating blood.

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