Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Being passionate about what you do

What are you passionate about? We need to aspire to do something great and something purposeful so that we are able to grow and evolve. “We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion.” -Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

What are the benefits of being passionate about what you do? You will be able to work with your true skills and talents as these are closely aligned. Some of the benefits may include more money, better and healthier relationships, more happiness, more fulfillment and greater meaning and purpose.

What are the requirements for living such a life? You need to know what you want and what you are prepared to sacrifice for this. You need self-discipline in your quest for what you truly want and strive to the level of mastery in what you are able to offer otherwise your passion will peter out like the fading light at dusk.

What are the consequences of not following your passions and aligning your skills and talents? A deepening sense of anxiety will creep into your life as you push up against an uncomfortable feeling that expands within you. If you neglect your passions and do not grow and heal along the way, you deny yourself the right to happiness and fulfillment.

How do you develop your passion while aligning your skills and talents? Find out what you really enjoy doing. Observe where you spend your time. What gives you the greatest sense of joy and satisfaction? If you don’t know what you’re passionate about, try different things; go travelling, read novels, take up a sport, meditate, contemplate, go to art galleries, journal.

Once you have found your passion align it with what you’re good at. You may be passionate about sports and have photography skills which enables you to align the 2 in photographic sports journalism. Know what you’re good at, find your passion and align the 2 to develop a greater sense of meaning and purpose!

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