The old maxim, you are what you eat, could never be truer. When it comes to food, we live in the best of times, and we live in the worst of times.
Here's an important question to ask yourself when it comes to your food; "How old is your food?"
Most food that comes from industrial agriculture has had to travel 1500 to 2000 miles to get to your plate. In this case it's at-least a week old. How much nutritional value can you be getting from this type of food? Maybe 40% of what you need if you're lucky.
Food produced by industrial agriculture is treated with herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. On top of this, most of the food has been genetically modified. All these chemicals create massive soil desertification and destroy whole environmental ecosystems.
Just take a look at fertilizer. Fertilizer is made up of 3 minerals - NPK. These include,
- nitrogen
- phosphorus
- potassium
But healthy soil needs 52 different minerals to thrive, so what about the remaining 49 minerals? When soil is deficient, plants are deficient too. They've weakened to the point that they become susceptible to attacks from super bugs.
This means chemical companies like Monsanto are happy because they reap the benefits ($) of this ever downward spiraling cycle of mineral depletion. The more bugs, the more chemicals that need to be sprayed, the more toxic our food becomes. But industrial agriculture is big business!
What's more is that by the time you get this mass produced, mono-crop food, you then cook it. This kills off the remaining nutrients in the food. When you cook food your immune system reacts to it as a toxin. The cooking process bastardizes the food in such a way that the body doesn't recognize it. It therefore has to work overtime to try and break it down.
So you have to make sure that at least 51% of your diet is raw so that you don't overburden an already exhausted immune/adrenal system.
The best form of preventative medicine is nutrition. If you're eating whole, natural, organic or wild fruit, veggies and superfoods then you've got the essential ingredients to fight off any disease. This is a more effective way to deal with health rather than using pharmaceutical drugs to try isolate your problem. 106,000 Americans die every year due to the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
You are what you eat. "When in doubt, use nutrition first," Dr Roger Williams.
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