Monday, 12 August 2013

Taking Responsibility...

for your thoughts, feelings and actions is one of the key aspects of a growth mindset.

Absolving responsibility for your behavior results in patterns of thinking, behaving and communicating that are reactive, judgmental or justification-based. Words like, "it's not my fault," may show up in your communication (this is a product of victim thinking).

How do you build new ways of thinking more suited to personal growth? 

One way is to become more self-aware by noticing any limiting patterns of thought that keep you stuck. Noticing and dissolving negative self-talk such as, "I'm not good enough," or "I can't ..." or "you don't understand me," is a great first step towards taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions. 

Whenever you become aware of such limiting self-talk, instead of reacting to it, shifting the blame, or becoming judgmental, observe in what other areas of your life this attitude plays itself out. 

Once you've become more aware of how this mindset limits your development, you can begin to transform it for thinking more aligned with your "new identity." Taking responsibility for how you show up at work or at home enhances your spiritual and psychological growth, however difficult that may be.

Through this reflection process you can transform any limitation. What you're doing is essentially re-wiring your brain for new, more useful patterns of thinking. 

Changing old habits that no longer serve you for new, more useful habits that stem from your intuitive self becomes a lot easier through this process. You can then tap into your creative talents to shape the outcomes you desire.

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