Here's a question I asked a client in one of my coaching sessions this week: what happens when your identity (who am I, why am I here, what's important to me) does not align with your vision?
Having talked this through with my client some concepts started to emerge. We both agreed that this could be the source of a certain amount of anxiety or discomfort as the disconnect between who you are as a person and where you wish to go with your life is divided.
However, getting tangled in the notion of right or wrong and good or bad only adds to the stress and frustration (the feeling of disconnect, or even shame). Why not just be okay with the idea of searching, or not knowing fully the purpose of your life? This can be the source of great struggle though (how often do we wish to arrive at our destination as quickly and seamlessly as possible). The path to success is never a straight line though. We can get dragged off track numerous times, we may even end up going backwards for portions of our journey.
Another important point I thought was the question of values. Digging into your values can be a good way to reconnect with, not only what's important to you, but to also give yourself the opportunity to realign with your vision. How connected are you to your values, how do they shape your ideologies and narratives and do they serve or limit your growth and potential?
To what extent is your identity aligned with your vision?
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