Scarcity, anxiety, tension and competition can be the results of adversarial or a contracted type of thinking.
This is the result of perceptions of limit that have been built through years of conditioning by the systems, structures, ideologies and beliefs in which we operate. The separate self perceives limit and therefore seeks to divide and conquer all in its path for a certain vilified self satisfaction.
There’s nothing per se that is wrong with this type of thinking, although it is a bit limited now and we need more expansive ways of thinking and engaging with the world at higher levels of consciousness. It did however, serve a purpose in our evolution.
But beneath this lies fear. The more this fear grows the more it takes hold of our minds and the more it effects our behaviour.
If we are experiencing high anxiety we normally experience a challenge at a higher level, but we are low on the skills to be able to deal with and handle the challenge we are faced with.
We are faced with the challenge of an evolving context in which the current systems and structures are no longer useful due to the underlying belief or perceptions of scarcity on which they have been built.
So, how best to deal with these challenges? Well, one way would be to push back against them to try and give us some more breathing space in which to operate (as seems to be the case with our current financial systems). But the effort of pushing back only serves to create more anxiety and tension.
Another more expansive and abundant way would be to increase our skills in the mental realm to be able to control our anxieties to be more relaxed in the way that we approach our challenges. Out of the relaxation can then emerge an interest or an arousal to get involved - to learn, develop, and grow new systems, that serve us and our environment holistically better.
At the space where these 2 meet - through interest and the paradox of relaxed control - we begin to find our sweet spot, our flow, our abundance, the place where we are imbued in our optimum level of life experience.
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