“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan.
It took the great inventor, Thomas Edison thousands and thousands of attempts to create the light bulb until he got it right. He made a success. ‘Made’ being the operative word.
It’s a process. A process of hard work and alignment of skills and talents.
The creative process is messy, but only by working with the messiness do we begin to refine our work and shape our ideas into something tangible.
There’s no doubt we encounter setbacks along the way - much like Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan. The question is, do we follow through?
The get-rich-quick scheme may provide upfront results, but I don’t believe they last long because people soon see through the inauthenticity.
Mastery in your field (skills, talents, interests) is prevalent! What does this mean, this word ‘Mastery?’
It means you are intentionally aware of and consciously able to access that which you are trying to master. You have the ability to hold this awareness even during difficult times, as well as evolving and deepening the awareness as you move along.
Mastery is expert knowledge and skill in a certain area - this brings lasting results. This is not devised overnight. This is formed by hours and hours of beating on your craft.
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