Thursday, 31 May 2012

Aligning Inner Worlds with Outer Realities

Are we clear on who we are and what we want to do with our lives when we leave school?

I remember when I left school, I enrolled to do a degree in Politics and Economics because I thought this would give me the best foothold in a business environment.

Luckily, after a semester of grinding my way through statistical analysis, I realized this was not for me. So I went over to the Humanities and did a Bachelors degree in English and History instead.

Looking back now, although I enjoyed these 2 subjects tremendously, I still don’t think it was aligned with where I wanted to go.

I was always on the lookout for something deeper, something more meaningful and I found that in the personal development space, in mindset, and psychological development, and in integral theory and philosophy.

I don’t think enough work is done to understand what areas of study and education are best suited to our own personal development. The right questions are not asked and there is not enough provocation to get future generations thinking about how they should align with their authentic selves thereby giving themselves the best opportunity for success, while possibly making a difference.

I believe that more coaches, mentors and apprenticeships guiding young people on their journeys from adolescence into adulthood could ultimately save us a lot of time, stress, and undue resistance and push-back against outer realities due to our misconceptions of those realities. This is due to the fact that we do not understand or have misaligned our inner worlds with such external realities.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Harnessing the Power of Knowledge

You know the phrase; 'knowledge is power?' Well, I feel that it's missing a core component.

Knowledge can't be power unless it's harnessed and used effectively. Knowledge becomes power when it is actioned and direct towards a purposeful end.

Andrew Carnegie never had extensive knowledge of the steel industry but he did know how to harness the knowledge of a mastermind group. The power of knowledge is most harnessed when it's converted into specialised knowledge for relevant value and as Andrew Carnegie demonstrated, does not necessarily need to be in the hands of the business owner.

Why do students then leave school or university and take a job where they believe that it's a prerequisite for them to start at the bottom and work their way up the ladder? If you have the knowledge and the ability to transform its power to a definite end, then why limit your ability to an outdated 'pay your due' perception created in company hierarchical structures?

As soon as the person takes up that position at the bottom, they get lulled into a false sense of security through the routine actions required of them. They lose the ability to think on their feet and their fiery ambition gets doused with a healthy dose of stability.

This I believe gives rise to the meaning, ‘stuck in a rut.’

Who says you can't harness the power of knowledge so as to enter a company at a higher level saving you years of grind or better still, use it to set up your own business?

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

A Question of This or That

Nature and nurture, positive and negative, introvert and extrovert, absolute and relative, right and wrong, good and bad.

Each one reflects its opposite.

Instead of defining who we are and what we do in terms of one or the other, what instead if we looked at both, as the one not being separate from the other?

Sure, our personality may be more introverted or more extroverted and there maybe more or less useful ways of doing things. But what instead of adopting one point of view, we adopted or at least are aware of the other perspective too?

By including and transcending both we are not limited to any outcome. This gives us space and freedom to choose where to engage, participate, and create in a meaningful way.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

It's the Realistic Thing to Do

When we are young parents and teachers tell us we can do anything and become whatever we want. But as we grow older, these same people tell us we must be more realistic. Why is this mistaken for wisdom?

The words; go to school, study hard, get good grades, go to university, get a respectable job, sound all too familiar.

Why do parents and teachers assume this is the correct thing to do? Is it because this is the norm? This is what has always been done, it’s the path to earning a living, getting by, and a sense of security.

What about mediocrity?

I wonder how many people out there sit in jobs because they followed this path of being someone in some job because it was the realistic thing to do?

How many students grind their way through a maths or science degree at the neglect of their talent and interest in art, music, drama or teaching because it was the realistic thing to do?

This is not to say that study, education and learning are wrong. On the contrary, these are fundamental to growth and development. But I think we have to be clear on where our talents lie, what we’re passionate about so we can give ourselves the opportunity to play where we can win.

The earlier we can align and develop these in our lives the better.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Life Coaching - Playing to Win!

As a professional sportsman or woman, you wouldn’t prepare and go into the biggest game of your life without a coach would you?

Coaches are vital in sports, music and dance, why not in life as well? We place great value on using coaches in sports and music, but what about the greatest commodity of ourselves and our own lives?

My life coaching helps you with - effective communication to have your needs met and get what you want, strategies and tactics in life and business, identity and what it means to live authentically and with purpose.

As a life coach I help you relax and live with ease and confidence so you have what it takes to achieve your goals. As a sports coach helps his team win on the pitch, so I help you win in the game of life.

Imagine it’s the night before the Soccer World Cup Final and the team’s star striker falls ill. This is the team’s main player, without whom they would not have made it all the way to the final. So the coach calls his team together and alters his strategy and tactics to incorporate a team performance.

He knows he has a solid defence and can use the core talent of speed in his replacement striker. He changes the entire tactics from the whole season and moves to a “catch them on the break” strategy for the final thereby utilizing the teams strengths.

He communicates this strategy in such a way that builds confidence and purpose in the team. They all feel respected, heard and they understand their respective roles within the team.

Underlying this is the work that each individual player has done with the coach during the season - playing to core strengths and skills, working on staying relaxed yet focussed, and playing for a higher purpose, contributing to success, building confidence and belief in each and every player.

Thus when something happens that takes your core strategy out of play, you know you can still win because you have the mindset and the belief to win.

Why not get the same results with a coach for life?

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Communication: it's about Meeting Needs

Do you end up getting what you want when you communicate when you are feeling angry, frustrated, stressed or anxious?

Such emotions, without ownership, negatively impact whatever message you’re looking to get across, whether you are talking or listening.

How challenging is it to listen to and understand someone who you are angry or upset with? No matter what they say, you just don’t get them because you feel that they don’t get you. This results in mixed messaging and disconnection.

There’s no clarity or understanding in your message.

Relax the uncomfortable feeling - dissolve the anger, stress or frustration - and then observe how you communicate.

Immediately your communication comes from an entirely different space. If you feel relaxed and confident in yourself, as well as driven by a sense of clarity and purpose, then your communication comes from exactly the same place.

Whoever you’re communicating with has a better chance of feeling understood and you’re more likely to get your message across as well.

You can then work cooperatively to meet each others needs and get the results you’re looking for.

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

What's your Core Business Message?

As a Business Professional can you sum up your core business message in one definitive sentence?

Your message should be linked to your business identity and this is not separate from your purpose.

What stands out the most of Obama’s last presidential campaign? 3 simple words: “Yes We Can.”

The effectiveness of the message lies in its simplicity. The message was linked to the identity carried by the Democrats at the time - this was their purpose driving the campaign. The message inspired hope, achievement, success and purpose if you jumped on board with the Democrats.

The campaign party was 100% behind the message and drove it purposefully at every talk, event or rally.

Can you define your core business message in such a way that Obama defined his election campaign message, “Yes We Can!?”

And more importantly does your message strike a chord with who you are and what you’re trying to achieve?

Monday, 21 May 2012

Purpose & Core Business Identity - Strength in Adversity

You may have all the strategies and tactics in the world, but in the blink of an eye something may happen that could render all those obsolete.

During the Battle of Islandwana between the British Army and the Zulus of South Africa in 1879, the Zulus outnumbered and overcame the British who had far superior weapons. Armed with just the shield and spear, the Zulu attack deployed the traditional formation of the horns and chest of the buffalo, with the aim of encircling the British position.

Despite the vast disadvantage in weapon technology, the Zulus overwhelmed the poorly led and badly deployed British, killing more than 1300 troops. But what if the British had been soundly prepared, had dug trenches and set ambushes for the Zulus?

I have no doubt, their state-of-the-art Martini-Henry breech-loading rifles would have destroyed the Zulus.

In business we can have whatever strategies and tactics to increase market share, increase revenue streams, or cut costs, but this is not to say that some unforeseen event could result in that strategy going up in smoke.

What can you fall back on?

In the face of challenging circumstances you have your core business identity, your core business message, and your purpose - why you do what you do, as well as your credentials and your story.

An undying belief in your purpose means you’re grounded in your identity, your message and your story. This makes you unique and it overrides what just made your strategy obsolete. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use whatever strategies and tactics you need to get ahead, just that purpose and core business identity ground you and give you an edge, especially in the face of adversity.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Accessing Layers of Purpose

I believe we find purpose on levels. These levels exist as we move towards our core purpose. A burning desire may exist within us that we are called to fulfill until we take this to a level where it no longer motivates us.

As you move ever deeper to your core purpose, you find more meaning. You feel more aligned with your authentic self.

What happens when you’ve either mastered a level, or you are not taken by what exists for you at this level?

You need to let go and find your vision again, but not before you..

1. You lose interest in a project or mission that once drove you to succeed.

2. You feel free from any regrets from starting the project or finishing it.

3. Although you perhaps don't know where you will go next you feel free from attachment and excited at the prospect of working at a deeper level of purpose.

4. You feel a welling up of energy at the prospect of letting go and starting afresh something that gets you all fired up.

5. Your past project or lesser purpose seems so obsolete - why would you even want to engage from this particular level?

Your new vision for your higher purpose may come to you immediately as it may have been building up over a period of time, or it may take longer for you to sit on it, so that you may discover it. But it’s there within you.

But haste not when accessing your next deeper level of purpose, as it’s fundamental to your growth as an individual and it affects people you’re in relationship with too. Contemplate, meditate, and align yourself with your higher purpose. Because each level takes you closer to your core purpose!

Thursday, 17 May 2012

A Consequence of Miscommunication

When a manager approaches her team with a new idea for a product to take to market, she will communicate this idea from a certain point of view.

The product is this and the strategy to take it to market is such and such a strategy. She’s communicating this strategy from a particular point of view. Her point of view to be more precise.

But she has a different set of belief systems that influence her point of view and affects the way she communicates the strategy. She also has different knowledge and ideas of the business strategy she’s communicating - she has a particular set of ideas as to what constitutes a business strategy and that’s what’s being communicated.

So what she perceives as delivering a clear and coherent message about the strategy that needs to be implemented for the new product, might in fact miss the mark altogether with her team.

Why? The reason being that her team maybe interpreting her message about the strategy from an entirely different perspective. All due to the fact that they have different beliefs, ideologies and experiences as well as knowledge and understanding or assumptions of what strategy means and how to deliver on that strategy.

Thus, immediately there’s an imbalance in the equation.

A miscommunication develops as the team hears something different to what the manager is communicating or thinks she’s communicating. All are not entirely on the same page.

When it comes time for the team to implement the strategy, the miscommunication results in ineffective product placement and positioning; its wide of the mark. This ultimately puts a dampener on productivity and creates a lot of anxiety and tension in the process.

Now the uncomfortable feeling drives the strategy implementation, creating a lot of resentment and a weak product, ensuring the original assumption is proved true - namely, disconnect and failure of the strategy and maybe the product too.

Hence the importance of clear, concise, effective communication that empowers people through knowledge and understanding to deliver and exceed expectations.

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Engaging with Purpose

Why wait to start living and engaging with purpose?

We spend much of our lives putting out fires - solving a problem here only to quickly chase and solve another there.

Nothing seems more prevalent in the workplace.

Managers spend a solid chunk of time in meetings - discussing what exactly? Problems?

Will the world’s or the workplace’s ever-streaming problems be extinguished? Problems will forever be with us. So what stops us from building a clearer idea of who we are so we can engage more authentically and confidently now and in the future?

It takes time to build a clear understanding of your purpose, but that’s not to say you can’t work with what you have right now. Being clear on your own identity is inexplicably linked to living with higher purpose - we become clearer on who we are as well as what our unique offer is in terms of skills, talents, beliefs and ideas.

We will become more useful and appreciated at work because we’ve aligned ourselves with our core identity. As a result you pave pathways for others to live with more purpose too. This lies at the heart of authentic leadership.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Impermanence of 'I am'

I am my mind. I am not my mind. I am my body. I am not my body.

I am my thoughts, feelings, emotions, psyche, spirit. No, I am not any of these! These are never the same.

I strive to be the best I can be. But deep within me lies the best I can be.

My consciousness is who I am! But, my consciousness is the totality of my mindset, feelings, body; so no, consciousness cannot be who I am. Can it?

Who am I? What am I here to do?

I constantly search for meaning and purpose. Yet, I know that it’s there - always.

To make that necessary shift, to align to the next level. Or to not align, to throw the dice, to let the chips fall where they may.

I am not in control. I am in control.

Who are you in this ever-changing world? What is meaning and purpose - for you?

Monday, 14 May 2012

A Glimpse of Non-Dual Awareness

I have just shifted from practicing vipassana meditation to formless meditation.

In vipassana meditation, you place your attention on the sensations within your body as you move your awareness from head to toe. Observation is on the sensation as it arises and then passes away. This helps with remaining grounded especially during stressful moments.

In formless meditation, your awareness is on holding your attention still, and therefore your awareness is on no thing. A thought may arise but you don’t allow your attention to attach itself to that thought.

You may have noticed the thought but your awareness remains on being still. You do not engage with anything leaving a space for psychological freedom to emerge.

There’s a fine line in formless meditation where you discriminate between your attention, and what your attention is on.

You can’t control what arises in your attention, but you can be resolute in your posture, and remain as relaxed, open and still as possible.

Out of this position emerges a space, a freedom, a oneness, a non-dual awareness that is not this, not this.

From this space you can choose to then participate where you want to. From this position emerges a groundlessness that is free from attachment.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Mastery - Not Something to be Brandished About

“I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan.

It took the great inventor, Thomas Edison thousands and thousands of attempts to create the light bulb until he got it right. He made a success. ‘Made’ being the operative word.

It’s a process. A process of hard work and alignment of skills and talents.

The creative process is messy, but only by working with the messiness do we begin to refine our work and shape our ideas into something tangible.

There’s no doubt we encounter setbacks along the way - much like Thomas Edison and Michael Jordan. The question is, do we follow through?

The get-rich-quick scheme may provide upfront results, but I don’t believe they last long because people soon see through the inauthenticity.

Mastery in your field (skills, talents, interests) is prevalent! What does this mean, this word ‘Mastery?’

It means you are intentionally aware of and consciously able to access that which you are trying to master. You have the ability to hold this awareness even during difficult times, as well as evolving and deepening the awareness as you move along.

Mastery is expert knowledge and skill in a certain area - this brings lasting results. This is not devised overnight. This is formed by hours and hours of beating on your craft.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

A Trusty Platform from which to Communicate

In business, if you want a happy, fulfilling and results focussed workplace, you’re going to have to use communication to get what you want.

But if you’re communicating from a place where there’s distrust, you’re likely to struggle to communicate your message effectively enough to get what you want.

To build a higher level of trust, interest in your message and results focussed action, you will first need to understand your audience, partners, associates, team..

By really listening to and understanding people can you begin to build a level of trust that will empower you to get what you need from your working relationships.

Trust, like effective communication, isn’t something that’s built overnight. If you’re looking to create higher levels of trust in order to communicate your message more effectively, then try take the time to understand who you are communicating with.

Because if your work colleague or business partner feels listened to and understood, they’ll be more open and receptive to what you have to say, and you’ll have a better opportunity to get the kind of results you’re looking for.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Identity: Key to Effective Communication

Poor communication centres around misunderstandings which can in turn kill productivity.

If the message at the outset is cluttered and blurred, we certainly aren’t going to have a clear understanding of our own identity, and more specifically our role within the company.

This cluttered miscommunication of the message results in marginalization as the blame is shifted from one person to another.

The reason no one wants to take responsibility is because firstly, the message is unclear and secondly, there’s no understanding of authentic identity - who am I, what am I here to do, what’s my message/story and why me?

If we can gain clarity on this (identity), then that makes our ability to communicate in a clear and confident way, that much more seamless.

We can then take ownership of our roles and responsibilities in the workplace so there’s no broken messaging, shifting of blame, misunderstanding, and decreased productivity as a result.

We are happier and more confident with ourselves as well as being able to relate with others for connection, understanding, growth and meaning.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Doubt: The No. 1 Buzz Killer

Doubt breeds failure.

If you doubt yourself, then you’ve lost the upper hand.

What causes doubt?

You have a millisecond where doubt sets in. If you’re in a pressurized situation and you don’t know how to prevent that doubt from setting in, you’ve more than likely already lost.

If you’ve got the skills, knowledge and self belief, you’ve got the tools to prevent doubt and be successful.

There’s one other core component to doubting yourself: your mindset.

Your mindset is shaped by your belief system. If you limit yourself - I’m not good enough, can’t you see how hard I’m trying, you don’t understand me - you've opened the door to let doubt in.

Imagine stepping up to take a penalty in the World Cup Final. You can have all the skills and knowledge in the world, but at that moment you strike the ball, if you doubt yourself 1%, you allow fear in - creating more probability of missing the goal or allowing the keeper to save your strike.

Stay calm, present and confident, and the goal’s yours!

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Misunderstandings in Communication

That which causes irritation and anger among a couple, if not expressed and owned, creates resentment.

A man engages in company functions with shareholders and directors where he networks and talks on business topics.

The wife however, feels a burden at attending such gatherings. She feels inferior on business topics and struggles to engage in conversation. Her interests lie with her church community.

When he goes to church events he feels frustrated as he would rather be spending time on business.

A snide remark about “church people” hits a nerve with the woman who retorts: “I feel the same about your business associates!”

A joking observation snowballs into a resentful argument. How would clear, concise communication prevent this?

Own the feeling - fear, frustration, irritation, anger.

Identify the need - “I have a need for support and recognition,” for example.

Satisfying the need through a clear request like; “I request your support at company events.”

Cluttered communication without meaning quickly turns into resentment putting unnecessary strain on a relationship.

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

What's your Intention when you Communicate?

Ask yourself the question: what do you really want and how can you use communication to help you achieve that?

Let’s say I’ve been working at the same company for 3 years - meeting targets, satisfying shareholder value, exceeding expectations - without a raise in salary.

I now feel frustrated because I look around and I see opportunities to earn a lot more with my skills and experience.

If I still want to work for the company, then I must communicate my need to earn more money to my boss or director.

“I feel frustrated because over the past 3 years I’ve sweated blood to meet and exceed targets to satisfy shareholder value without any value-add on my part. I need more money for the amount of work I put in. So, given my skills and experience, I request a 25% increase in salary.”

If my need can’t be met and I can’t put up with my current rate, then I need to start looking for a better paid job.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Listening & Interpreting: Key Components of Communication

Whenever we claim to have privileged access to the Truth and whenever we assume that our particular way of being is the best or the “right” or the “true” way of being, our listening capacity is affected. Thus, so too are our relationships and our results.

Listening I would say, is almost more of a vital component to effective communication than talking because listening is to do with how we interpret things.

We tend to listen in such a way to make ourselves, our stories, our narratives and emotions “right.” Does this internal conversation limit you?

Instead of having a “right/wrong” focus in many areas of life, what if we instead tried to use a “works/doesn’t work” or “more useful/less useful” or “powerful/not so powerful” way of interpreting?

The way in which we interpret and take on ideas and information is influenced by 3 interlinked things, which I believe need to be questioned if we are to become effective communicators.

  1. Our motive: this includes our life experiences and our beliefs that develop out of those experiences.
  2. Our emotional space: these are the range of emotions that fluctuate from moment to moment and how we respond to them.
  3. Our physical body: how we show up in the world, our posture, our movement, and the way we represent ourselves physically.

If we are fixed in the way that we listen and interpret according to these 3 criteria, then we limit ourselves in our relationships and in the way that we communicate with one another.

How we listen and interpret, to a greater or lesser extent, affects the results we can achieve.