The change in seasons spring to mind a greater, more fundamental change on a global scale.
We can no longer sit back and deny global warming, there is too much scientific evidence available to suggest it is happening. The polar ice caps are diminishing and only another Ice Age will bring them back.
The Rhino stands on the edge of extinction because some people in Asia believe that its horn offers some sort of supernatural sexual power.
Economically, times are not getting better. The credit crisis, fractional banking systems built on debt and valueless products like derivatives have brought about huge amounts of fear.
Oil companies continue to rape, pillage and plunder the earth’s resources for oil and will use dirty tactics to buy-out new innovative energy saving technology - the petrol price will continue to climb.
All this while the Masters of Mankind continue to abuse power. Corporations are making sure that they throw billions of dollars at political campaigns so that their best interests are at heart.
Times are changing rapidly and with the advent of the internet, so too are we seeing an increase in awareness of the types of challenges we are faced with. Global consciousness is increasing.
I believe that the role personal development can play in increasing this consciousness can be profound. Increased levels of consciousness can hold greater perspective. We are therefore better equipped to deal with the problems around us.
However if we don’t even have awareness of the problems, then we are on board a freight train increasing its speed exponentially toward an abyss.
With an increase in awareness and consciousness comes the ability to work together, form coalitions, partnerships and groups where healthy dialogue can take place on how to move forward. First though, an understanding and awareness of ‘here’, then communication and cooperation on how to get ‘there’. Are we entering a time crying out for ‘leaderless’ leadership?
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