Sunday, 8 January 2012


What is confidence?

Confidence is determined by our level of achievement, our sense of belonging, and our level of self-esteem. These are closely linked to our human needs. The need for power, freedom of thought and action, the need for significance, connection and love, growth, and recognition for a contribution beyond self.

Confidence is taking action aligned with your vision and values even when things aren’t going your way and you are willing to risk failure for this. It’s about being clear on your values and making sure your behavior is aligned with these.

Why is confidence important?

Because you feel better about yourself, you have more pep, you can communicate your values, you can get what you want, you can be successful. This gives you more money, greater meaning and purpose, and the desire to excel in your field. It may significantly improve your relationships and could result in you solving complex problems quickly and effectively.

How do you develop confidence?
  • Use self-awareness to build competence and boost identity. Self-awareness builds self-esteem through personal appreciation and understanding. Build self-awareness around who you are, what you stand for, so others acknowledge this too.
  • You have to be interested in developing it as well as working on understanding your core values and what they mean to you. You have to be willing to risk failure to develop what you want. You have to constantly take action aligned with your vision.
  • Once you know what you want, construct and set your goals accordingly and then work towards achieving them. Once you do achieve your goal add it to your success list which you can use as a reference to build your self-esteem.
  • Master your mindset: transform limiting and scarcity self-talk that can kill self-confidence. Rather use a growth or abundant mindset which will help you bring alive what you will feel and experience when your confidence turns into success.

At the heart of confidence you are relaxed yet focused, grounded in your core values and purpose, lightly holding your vision as you fearlessly move forward creating what you want. Having a deep belief in your ability to achieve your goals is paramount! Oh yeah, and don’t give up if you encounter set-backs along the way.

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