Wednesday 7 August 2013

3 Superpowers to Guide your Intuition

Awareness, focus and attention (mindfulness) serve as the building blocks to self mastery. Without these we have diminished powers over our who we are and what we want (identity). Our minds may drift or attach on to things that aren't in alignment with our vision.

But begin to sharpen your focus and expand your awareness and soon you'll find yourself more easily able to tap into your intuition. 

This provides more perspective on where you're at and where you would like to go. I spent years drifting from job to job and from career to career. I was constantly dissatisfied with the work I was doing. It was devoid of meaning or purpose. 

Only once I started to deliberately develop my powers of awareness and focus did I begin to align with what's truly important to me. Finally I could begin to make the transition from career to calling, shaping my knowledge and skills accordingly. 

These superpowers are unique in that they guide your highest intuition (calling). Without them it's difficult to create a life of meaning or purpose.

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