The next step in our evolution will be a transition to a steady state economy. This means 0% or even negative economic growth.
This has already happened in Japan and is happening in The United States of America too.
Well let's look at the science. Currently we're using 150% of the earth's capacity to support us. This is not mere speculation. This equates to 16 out of 25 ecosystem services on planet earth that are being used unsustainably.
And the trick is we're not stopping here. We still believe that we can continue to grow at rates of 5% per annum. However, when you operate beyond your capacity what happens? The system starts to creak and crack at the seams.
Food prices go up. Fuel prices go up. People get cranky! Revolution starts to bubble under the surface. No more clear is this than what happen in Egypt recently. So the mitigating circumstances of an ideology built on infinite growth bumps up against a finite context.
Crisis ensues. What now? Well, remarkable things happen when crisis takes place. Just look at World War 2. People came together to support each other in times of dire straits. We are genetically inclined to look after one another during times of crisis.
When the economy falters, and panic sets in, unfortunately only then do we band together and begin to make the much necessary and long overdue changes to the systems that have up to a point, shaped our very existence.
Only when the system starts to feed on itself, becoming more self destructive by the minute, does the idea of transition become more real.
The next step in the evolution of our consciousness will be to a more steady state economy. What does this mean, how do we adjust? How do we let this in as opposed to resist it?
Well, it will mean that our economy will instead of being designed on growth and maximizing profit for shareholder value, will be designed on well being and happiness. It will mean that we'll have to look inside and discover who we are, why we're here and what's important to us. Here are a few other points to consider about the transition.
- It will mean giving more. A gift economy means not only connecting with our gifts, but giving of our gifts
- Connecting with community. This means engaging with local communities and seeing how we fit into these communities by developing our talents.
- Learning new things. Taking up new hobbies. Discovering new worlds. Playing with different ideas. Creating art. Being innovative.
- Meaningful work. This entails rediscovering greater purpose in ones life. Purpose is developing insight into something that is greater than oneself. What is meaningful for you?
The irony is is that none of these things can be found by going to the mall. None of this requires new technology either. All it requires is for us to think a bit differently.